Monday, November 17, 2008

Safety first.

Bet they didn't know we watched them break protocol.

I'm much more concerned with their safety.

we all know what these say. Don't stand on or above this step.

But this government paid college worker can't read a label.

please note the foot position on the ladder. 

Maybe they couldn't read the "Off" sign either.

Best luck to other groups it seems we encounter incompetence even here. :(

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A short Video tutorial

I just wanted to show every one that how simple final cut really is. The 1:40 video that I made for our presentation only took about 40 min to make. That is fairly fast considering a normal ratio is about hour per 1 min of edited material. so 1/60.

Any way here are a few screen shots.
here is the time line

if we zoom in you can see that all I used was a change in the opacity to allow the video to fade into the text. There is a way to do this with filters but i wanted it to be all random.

then for the flicker effect of the text I simply used the blink filter and changed the opacity on that as well. The same things was done using motion filter to cause the text to zoom in and out

here is the link if you have any questions on a particular part please ask.

the intro from William Knudsvig on Vimeo.

Monday, November 10, 2008

3 lines take 1

Woman wants to grieve alone
away from her lawyers
and the crazy man who killed her loved ones.

Tax payer money will keep a killer on life support
so he can serve his six life sentences
for killing children.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008


There is a water mark or something on the ceiling of the arboretum it is bothering me. Photobucket

Look right by the smoke detector. It surrounds it. The picture is only ok at showing this.


So it was 15 cents Photobucket

I left it because I got paid today and figured someone else needed it more.