Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008


I think this would go along with the lecture today. Although we are going into the pop world here a little it is something that I'm sure you are all going to start seeing if you haven already. This is also known as gorilla marketing. However I've met some of these people and they are more about fun and creativity then $$$. Here is the link

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Observing people that come in to a Ski shop has been my job for a while. Every year we run a sale for those who give back to the sport though instruction. I've never met such a group of anal nikt picky people ever. Most are engineers from Boeing so I guess I should be glad they are so anal when I'm on my next trip flying. 

Techie tech tech is all they seem to ever want to talk about. It is a totally different slant on life then I've ever taken.

It is like this

Say I want to go to New York I'd probably drive my car so I can see everything along the way. These people would drive their car because they are fascinated by the car itself. Most of us ride to be on the mountain while others ride to ... Well I don't know what the other purpose would be. 

Anyway just observing the differences.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What are we drinking

I was given a Red Bull my a rep who dropped my my work today.  I said thanks BSed a bit and went back to work. About 15 min later I cracked the can and drank a few sips. Then I thought about the whole case of FREE wired that we stock in the store. All of the different flavors etc. Then I looked inside my can it is a beerish color like most things in the class of energy drinks. But I then thought of all the things that I drink and how I just trust the bottling company to put the right thing in the bottle. 

I then stared to think about the different bottles that things come in. Wine in tinted bottles to keep the UV out. Hard Alcohol usually in clear glass or tinted glass. BUT we drink both out of a clear glass. 

At what point did we stop caring to see what we were drinking? Would it be odd to put water in cans? what about a  clear beer bottle? Would Red Bull be as appealing if you saw that it looked like urine as you drank it? Probably not. 

It seems that somethings we want to see and some we do not. I guess the truth is scary. 

Thursday, September 25, 2008


So I decided to wait and see if subconsciously I'd built a nothing time in to my day. When I woke up his morning and laid in bed for an hour I realized that I had. I thought about nothing and kind of dozed off and woke up but nothing was intentional. It really wasn't that exciting. I have an alarm clock but it usually is only needed if I'm up really late or if I need to get up really early. So the sunlight wakes me up, it really is the best way. For those of whom this is not an option I suggest this I had a teacher who swore by it. He had to get up at 5 Am every day for a car pool and said that be never got the morning doldrums. My solution is cheeper: take late classes and get a job that never starts before 10 Am. 

More interesting was that after I decided to "getup" I logged on to you tube. This is not usual for me usually I go straight to bathroom then food. Ironically I first watched this rubric's cube rap 

then a video on the rising food costs in Kenya.

Then I read the comments they are disturbing I won't repost them you can go read them here and here. Lets just say that the Rubric's Cube Rap was more accepted then the problems facing Kenya. It seems we are full of apathy. No wonder we are often so empty. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I sat though a clinic on all of the new RIDE snowboarding gear this year. The most impressive things was the contra-band binding  One strap and your in, very cool. Also if you have the cash and want a killer light set up and Concept UL is worth it I rode it for several days last year stiff and light... but still charges through the crud.

Pray for Snow

waiting for...?

My friend posted this. I thought it was appropriate.
Is it a sign?


When the subject arose in class today regarding plagiarism a word that is as taboo to college students as Beer is to a southern Baptist. I thought of my final project last quarter. We made a video that was a compilation of videos from YT. But we took the videos and put them in a sequence that was not only entertaining but formed some kind of an argument. Please note that in the final version there was a bib at the end of the short (just in case). 

 A long time ago probably when I had to write my first research paper in HS we got this massive lecture on the evil P word. I remember being so scared that I would write a sentence that was similar to something that was written somewhere. I had writers block for the entire assignment and failed the paper. I felt that nothing I could do was going to be original. 

Now I think of it like legos. No, I didn't make the legos but I can make them do anything I want. Or think of GMO's and cloning we are not creating only rearranging and then placing them in a habitat that is conducive for growth. 

So it dosen't really matter what you read or observe because they are the same. You didn't make the book nor did you make the world. 

However you can influence the world and books can influence us...

In the snow-sports industry we refer to this as the R&D dept. (research and duplicate).Meanign that a product has only a one year life. It is capitalism at its finest every year you have to have something new because your new idea will be everyone else's.   Interesting to note that the snow industry dosen't have any monopoly lawsuits or any history of them. Unlike internet companies.  

Pray for Snow