Sunday, September 28, 2008


Observing people that come in to a Ski shop has been my job for a while. Every year we run a sale for those who give back to the sport though instruction. I've never met such a group of anal nikt picky people ever. Most are engineers from Boeing so I guess I should be glad they are so anal when I'm on my next trip flying. 

Techie tech tech is all they seem to ever want to talk about. It is a totally different slant on life then I've ever taken.

It is like this

Say I want to go to New York I'd probably drive my car so I can see everything along the way. These people would drive their car because they are fascinated by the car itself. Most of us ride to be on the mountain while others ride to ... Well I don't know what the other purpose would be. 

Anyway just observing the differences.

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