Thursday, October 30, 2008

free writing take one

You are a bird on the shore of the shore of the beach with out a plan or with out ideals. Are you cold. Are you sleeping are you tried are you alone some say yes and some are no. I was all of those at a time still some of them are the same as tonight before the ideals of a man who came or a woman to nurture me came what would I be. More like you a self less selfish flock of on who live in common with out a trace of speech or an idea to follow the rumor of the truth around inside of my head. For a while now silence but before that there was a dark night and after all of that there will be silence again so you see only a glimpse. Of the world that you are inside of. Her belly it is wet with thirst for our life is not a life with our a plan they say . to drive me to behave into a the silence of the night that I may leave more for their children then I leave for my own and they themselves will we announcing my death with a megaphone and a radio tha ti was the greatest of nothing that will ever be with out an idea that was with out a name. We are to talk about ourselves as if we have never though about the fact that we are not who wwe think we are instead we are just a reflection of what we hear. Have you ever seen yourself. No no with out a mirror with out a painter perhaps a painter is a better way to see ones self then with out a mirror but all the same I soul d have to say no, no, no never have I seen my nose except for a glimpse out of one corner of my eye when the sun hits it just right. And my lips and y mouth my dentist is more acquainted with then I. So we judge not by truth of an ye but by the mirror and what it says that we are to be. Perhaps it has been ling to us all of our life’s and when we escape we will see that who we are I snot who is to see.

BTW I did correct the spelling but nothing else.

The day breaks


this was my morning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So I saw this and I liked it... A lot

well two things.  These LED throwies. The other was this light graffiti project. I guess this is a response to what Joe as talking about earlier in the class. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Final Cut and DVD studio help

So I didn't post this earlier because I was busy studying for a mid term and I still have one left. That said if you have any questions regarding the software you can ask me as well as Joe. I'll try to put together a video tutorial or link you to one. 

There is a lot of tutorials on youtube. If you search say FCP (final cut pro) creating text you will get answers. Some are good, some are bad but there is usually a good one for this kind of basic stuff. 

You will discover the text tool in FCP is very weak if you want to make your words dance or something.  For that you want to play around with livetype or motion both have a learning curve. But live type is fairly simple. 

Here is an example of using live type

Here is something I did using illustrator as a text generator in Final Cut

two-step from Hey Marseilles on Vimeo.

The power is using illustrator is that you can then change the text files using the power of illustrator or photoshop and have them automatically update...

Any way that is getting fairly techie but if anyone is interested let me know....
e-mail is best

pray for snow


white people

This is a great example of the observations that we make in our everyday... Indeed it can make you money but you may still ride your bike everywhere. It was great to note Lander's comment about how people know when you are faking it. His success is from his blog stuff white people like something that to him was just for fun. Seems like that is how it happens.


Sunday, October 12, 2008


"Despite massive development of the means of communication the everyday escapes. This is its definition. Blanchot p 37 "Everyday"

When I read the first sentence I stopped and thought of Myspace and Facebook both so effective, but at what really? The vas amounts of information available has allowed us to find information on any topic. But if one is stuck on looking for one thing, big or small in a sea of other things one may miss the importance of the context clues one is seeing. We call it surfing the web. Maybe at first that it what we do. After a while one becomes an expert at navigating the web. You are no longer lost but only if you stay within your familiar area. Life is like this as well.
When you move to a new place or go on a vacation you will at first have to discover your way around the area. Once you find the few things that you need to live you will travel that same path for a long time picking up only the things that you need. 

Then I continued reading. And realized that is what the intention of the world that we created is. We designed the world, it is ours. I'm not talking about the earth itself or trying to debate creation/evolution I'm speaking of the streets and the houses. The stuff that we have placed in nature to be part of our lives. So all of the signs and the landmarks the placement of the streets and the branding of our toys, is VERY deliberate. So much so that we have faith in it enough to let it define us. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Video Hunting

Well this was a fun one. I was in group eight and we managed only to piss off two women with strollers who refused to be filmed. Oh well. Here is my edited version for your enjoyment. I started with the speaking parts to get them out of the way so you could enjoy the wonderful music that some good friends of mine have made. They are Hey Marseilles from Seattle and will by playing at Neumos on Oct. 15th 21+ (just a shameless plug) I owe them one since Philip spoke Italian for us.

compare to Vimeo

Bis 303 hunt from William Knudsvig on Vimeo.

Game time

I often play pinochle if you are not familiar with the game it is quite hard to explain but a general dictionary definition will suffice. to me pinochle is a prefect reflection of everyday life. You are dealt cards and then you bet on what you think the best hand you and your partner can make with the cards in both hands. The catch is that you really have no clue as to what is in the others hand. If you win the bid you declare the trump suit and four cards will be passed to you by your partner, you then pass back the four least valuable cards in your hand.
That is what we all do everyday. We wake up think of what we have and what we need then bet that if we ask the right questions and do the right things that we will gain another part to our puzzle by the end of the day. Sometimes it works ad sometimes not. It never has to do with what you have by yourself but what you and your partner have together.
I don't want to make a blanket statement about all games but it seems that pinochle is used to pass the time and creates that fine balance that we all seem to live in between chance and our own direction. Games have to do this same thing. A good game is one where the winner must not get only lucky but to be able to get out of unlucky situations. Just like everyday. How do you use something negative to your advantage? If you break it down capitalism is a game because there are winners and losers. So I guess I would be curious to see what kind of games come out a a socialist country.To bad I don't get $200 for walking around the block in real life.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A slower world looks better

This is a video that I saw on it is shot at 120 frames per second, then slowed down to 30 fps when played back. the result full resolution video at 1/4 speed. PURE beauty. Taking the everyday and making it slow enough to observe. 

skate - shot on red #1347 - 120 fps from on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I like to think that I live in a nice place I thought this was hell. I'm sorry if you get lost I did too.

It was all the same.
The same color.
The same green.
The same brown.
The same flags.
The same roof.
The same view.

They had to number them to tell them apart.
It was scary.

No Children to be seen.
No life to be had.

I wanted to leave the land of the zombies.

I really waned to know what happened inside these "houses" so i looked on As you will see I think they are using their uniformity to hide the truth.

If this is "the dream" I'd hate to live it.
Besides there was no SNOW

Friday, October 3, 2008


so is probably the most fun i've had in a while. That is sad I know. But you should check it out. Just another way to pass the boredom