Sunday, October 12, 2008


"Despite massive development of the means of communication the everyday escapes. This is its definition. Blanchot p 37 "Everyday"

When I read the first sentence I stopped and thought of Myspace and Facebook both so effective, but at what really? The vas amounts of information available has allowed us to find information on any topic. But if one is stuck on looking for one thing, big or small in a sea of other things one may miss the importance of the context clues one is seeing. We call it surfing the web. Maybe at first that it what we do. After a while one becomes an expert at navigating the web. You are no longer lost but only if you stay within your familiar area. Life is like this as well.
When you move to a new place or go on a vacation you will at first have to discover your way around the area. Once you find the few things that you need to live you will travel that same path for a long time picking up only the things that you need. 

Then I continued reading. And realized that is what the intention of the world that we created is. We designed the world, it is ours. I'm not talking about the earth itself or trying to debate creation/evolution I'm speaking of the streets and the houses. The stuff that we have placed in nature to be part of our lives. So all of the signs and the landmarks the placement of the streets and the branding of our toys, is VERY deliberate. So much so that we have faith in it enough to let it define us. 

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