Thursday, September 25, 2008


So I decided to wait and see if subconsciously I'd built a nothing time in to my day. When I woke up his morning and laid in bed for an hour I realized that I had. I thought about nothing and kind of dozed off and woke up but nothing was intentional. It really wasn't that exciting. I have an alarm clock but it usually is only needed if I'm up really late or if I need to get up really early. So the sunlight wakes me up, it really is the best way. For those of whom this is not an option I suggest this I had a teacher who swore by it. He had to get up at 5 Am every day for a car pool and said that be never got the morning doldrums. My solution is cheeper: take late classes and get a job that never starts before 10 Am. 

More interesting was that after I decided to "getup" I logged on to you tube. This is not usual for me usually I go straight to bathroom then food. Ironically I first watched this rubric's cube rap 

then a video on the rising food costs in Kenya.

Then I read the comments they are disturbing I won't repost them you can go read them here and here. Lets just say that the Rubric's Cube Rap was more accepted then the problems facing Kenya. It seems we are full of apathy. No wonder we are often so empty. 

1 comment:

Joe Milutis said...

best to do nothing when fully awake!